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35. REVISE TO->TR INDEX  D. Alici Karaca, B. Akay, D. Karaboga, A. Basturk, O.U. Nalbantoglu, “The diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori with the improved EfficientNet-B0 architecture“, Gazi University Journal of Science Part C : Design and Technology, 12(2), pp. 729-742, 2024.

34. M.A. Karagoz, O.U. Nalbantoglu, D. Karaboga, B. Akay, A. Basturk, H. Ulutabanca, S. Dogan, D. Coskun, O. Demir, “Deep learning-based breast cancer diagnosis with multiview of mammography screening to reduce false positive recall rate“, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 32, pp. 382-402, 2024.

33. D. Coskun, D. Karaboga, A. Basturk, B. Akay, O.U. Nalbantoglu, S. Dogan, I. Pacal, M.A. Karagoz, “A comparative study of YOLO models and a transformer-based YOLOv5 model for mass detection in mammograms“, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 31, pp. 1293-1313, 2023.

32. A. Karaman, I. Pacal, A. Basturk, B. Akay, O.U. Nalbantoglu, S. Coskun, O. Sahin, D. Karaboga, “Robust real-time polyp detection system design based on YOLO algorithms by optimizing activation functions and hyper-parameters with artificial bee colony (ABC)“, Expert Systems with Applications, 221, pp. 1-13, 2023.

31. M.A. Karagoz, B. Akay, A. Basturk, D. Karaboga, O.U. Nalbantoglu, “An unsupervised transfer learning model based on convolutional auto encoder for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis activity scoring and fibrosis staging of liver histopathological images“, Neural Computing and Applications, 2023.

30. A. Karaman, D. Karaboga, I. Pacal, B. Akay, A. Basturk, O.U. Nalbantoglu, S. Coskun, O. Sahin, “Hyper-parameter optimization of deep learning architectures using artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm for high performance real-time automatic colorectal cancer (CRC) polyp detection“, Applied Intelligence, 2023.

29. A. Esidir, N.B. Kiremitler, M. Kalay, A. Basturk, M. Serdar Onses, “Unclonable features via electrospraying of bulk polymers“, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 4(8), pp. 5952-5964, 2022.

28. D. Alici-Karaca, B. Akay, A. Yay, P. Suna, O.U. Nalbantoglu, D. Karaboga, A. Basturk, E. Balcioglu, M. Baran, “A new lightweight convolutional neural network for radiation-induced liver disease classification“, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 73, pp. 1-10, 2022.

27. I. Pacal, A. Karaman, D. Karaboga, B. Akay, A. Basturk, O.U. Nalbantoglu, S. Coskun, “An efficient real-time colonic polyp detection with YOLO algorithms trained by using negative samples and large datasets“, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 141, 105031, 2022.

26. T. Ozcan, A. Basturk, “ERUSLR: A new Turkish sign language dataset and its recognition using hyperparameter optimization aided convolutional neural network“, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 36(1), pp. 527-542, 2021.

25. T. Ozcan, A. Basturk, “Performance improvement of pre-trained convolutional neural networks for action recognition“, The Computer Journal, 64(11), pp. 1715-1730, 2021.

24. I. Pacal, D. Karaboga, A. Basturk, B. Akay, O.U. Nalbantoglu, “A comprehensive review of deep learning in colon cancer“, Computers in Biology and Medicine, (104003), 126, pp. 1-33, 2020.

23. T. Ozcan, A. Basturk, “Static facial expression recognition using convolutional neural networks based on transfer learning and hyperparameter optimization“, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(35), pp. 26587-26604, 2020.

22. M. Bicakci, O. Ayyildiz, Z. Aydin, A. Basturk, S. Karacavus, B. Yilmaz, “Metabolic imaging based sub-classification of lung cancer“, IEEE Access, 8, pp. 218470-218476, 2020.

21. T. Ozcan, A. Basturk, “Human action recognition with deep learning and structural optimization using a hybrid heuristic algorithm“, Cluster Computing, 23(4), pp. 2847-2860, 2020.

20. T. Ozcan, A. Basturk, “Transfer learning-based convolutional neural networks with heuristic optimization for hand gesture recognition“, Neural Computing and Applications, 31(12), pp. 8955-8970, 2019.

19. H. Badem, A. Basturk, A. Caliskan, M.E. Yuksel, “A new hybrid optimization method combining artificial bee colony and limited-memory BFGS algorithms for efficient numerical optimization“, Applied Soft Computing, 70, pp. 826-844, 2018.

18. M.E. Yuksel, N. Sarikaya Basturk, H. Badem, A. Caliskan, A. Basturk, “Classification of high resolution hyperspectral remote sensing data using deep neural networks“, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 34(4), pp. 2273-2285, 2018.

17. A. Caliskan, M.E. Yuksel, H. Badem, A. Basturk, “Performance improvement of deep neural network classifiers by a simple training strategy“, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 67, pp. 14-23, 2018.

16. H. Badem, A. Basturk, A. Caliskan, M.E. Yuksel, “A new efficient training strategy for deep neural networks by hybridization of artificial bee colony and limited–memory BFGS optimization algorithms“, Neurocomputing, 266, pp. 506-527, 2017.

15. R. Akay, A. Basturk, A. Kalinli, Xin Yao, “Parallel population-based algorithm portfolios: An empirical study“, Neurocomputing, 247, pp. 115-125, 2017.

14. A. Caliskan, M.E. Yuksel, H. Badem, A. Basturk, “A deep neural network classifier for decoding human brain activity based on magnetoencephalography“, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 23(2), pp. 63-67, 2017.

13. I. Develi, Y. Kabalci, A. Basturk, “Artificial bee colony optimization for modelling of indoor PLC channels: A case study from Turkey“, Electric Power Systems Research, 127, pp. 73-79, 2015.

12. I. Develi, Y. Kabalci, A. Basturk, “Performance of LDPC coded image transmission over realistic PLC channels for smart grid applications“, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 62, pp. 549-555, 2014.

11. M.A. Soyturk, A. Basturk, M.E. Yuksel, “A novel fuzzy filter for speckle noise removal“, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 22(5), 1367-1381, 2014.

10. A. Basturk, R. Akay, “Performance analysis of the coarse-grained parallel model of the artificial bee colony algorithm“, Information Sciences, 253, pp. 34-55, 2013.

9. I. Develi, A. Basturk, “Highly accurate analytic approximation to the Gaussian Q-function based on the use of nonlinear least squares optimization algorithm“, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 159(1), pp. 183-191, 2013.

8. A. Basturk, R. Akay, “Parallel implementation of synchronous type artificial bee colony algorithm for global optimization“, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 155(3), pp. 1095-1104, 2012.

7. M.E. Yuksel, A. Basturk, “Application of type-2 fuzzy logic filtering to reduce noise in color images“, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 7(3), pp. 25-35, 2012.

6. A. Basturk, E. Gunay, “Efficient edge detection in digital images using a cellular neural network optimized by differential evolution algorithm“, Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2), pp. 2645-2650, 2009.

5. M.T. Yildirim, A. Basturk, M.E. Yuksel, “Impulse noise removal from digital images by a detail-preserving filter based on type-2 fuzzy logic“, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 16(4), pp. 920-928, 2008.

4. M.E. Yuksel, A. Basturk, “Efficient distortion reduction of mixed noise filters by neuro-fuzzy processing“, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 4252, pp. 331-339, 2006.

3. M.E. Yuksel, A. Basturk, “A simple generalized neuro-fuzzy operator for efficient removal of impulse noise from highly corrupted digital images“, AEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 59(1), pp. 1-7, 2005.

2. M.E. Yuksel, A. Basturk, E. Besdok, “Detail-preserving restoration of impulse noise corrupted images by a switching median filter guided by a simple neuro-fuzzy network“, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing), 2004(16), pp. 2451-2461, 2004.

1. M.E. Yuksel, A. Basturk, “Efficient removal of impulse noise from highly corrupted digital images by a simple neuro-fuzzy operator“, AEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 57(3), pp. 214-219, 2003.

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